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Do you need help finding the right solution for you? For product information, technical assistance, or application knowledge of high-performance lubricants, please contact us.

If you need to have a conversation with an expert, please contact us at the relevant number below.

Asia Pacific - North:+86 400 XXXX XXX

Asia Pacific South:+91 124 479 XXXX

Europe/Middle East/Africa:+41 22 719 XXXX

Latin America

Argentina: 0800 444 XXXX

Brazil: 0800 724 XXXX

Chile: 800 835 XXX

Ecuador: 1800 000 XXX

Mexico: 01 800 737 5623/+52 55 5125 XXXX

Peru: 0800 XXXXX

North America:+1 302 773 XXXX/+1 844 773 XXXX

Company address: XXXXXXXXXXXXXX