Lubricant FAQ

XXXX ™  Frequently Asked Questions about Lubricants and Greases

XXXX ™  What is it?

XXXX ™  It is a brand name for a series of special synthetic lubricating materials, providing multiple models of lubricating products.

XXXX ™  Lubricants have a wide range of applications, especially in various applications with requirements such as extremely high or low temperatures, non combustible, long-lasting, antioxidant, and chemical corrosion resistance.

Each XXXX ™  What are the main differences between lubricants?

Each XXXX ™  Lubricants have their unique characteristics to be suitable for specific industries or environments. XXXX ™  The lubricating oil series includes:

XXXX ™  GPL universal lubricating oil is a cost-effective base lubricant specifically designed for industrial applications.

XXXX ™  XHT extreme high temperature lubricating oil, specially treated, has greater thermal stability at temperatures exceeding 300 ℃ (572 ℉).

XXXX ™  Aerospace lubricants have stricter specifications for volatility, and have narrower fractions compared to GPL series lubricants.

XXXX ™  VPF vacuum pump oil has excellent vapor pressure performance.

XXXX ™  More information is listed in the overview of high-performance lubricant products.

XXXX ™  Does the lubricant contain silicon?

Not included. XXXX ™  Lubricants and greases do not contain any silicon, and silicon is not used in their production process.

What are the different models of XXXX available ™  What are the typical applications of GPL lubricants?

XXXX ™  GPL 10X series lubricants and XXXX ™  The GPL 20X series grease does not contain any additives and is suitable for components that require contact with most commonly used chemicals in industry. Typical applications include valves or bearings, sealing ring shielding fluid, instruments, and oxygen systems.

XXXX ™  The GPL 21X series includes molybdenum disulfide, suitable for extreme pressure (EP) conditions, and can be used in low speed or high load applications.

XXXX ™  The GPL 22X series contains sodium nitrite anti rust and anti wear additives, and can improve load-bearing performance, making it an ideal choice for applications in corrosive environments. Typical applications include automotive bearings, sealed pump bearings, motor bearings, and universal bearings.

XXXX ™  The GPL 29X series lubricating grease has extreme pressure characteristics and uses anti rust additives, suitable for applications that require high load-bearing capacity and rust protection.

XXXX ™  The GPL 2EX series lubricating grease adopts a unique anti rust additive formula. This grease is similar to XXXX ™  GPL 22X series lubricating grease, but it contains non nitrite anti rust additives.

Please visit XXXX ™  GPL product page for a complete range of lubricants and their product data sheets.

XXXX ™  What are the components of lubricants?

XXXX ™  Fluorinated oil is a series of low molecular weight, fluorine terminated hexafluoropropylene epoxide homopolymers. The polymer chain is completely saturated and contains only carbon, oxygen, and fluorine, without hydrogen.

XXXX ™  Application of high-performance lubricants

XXXX ™  What applications can lubricants be used for?

XXXX ™  Lubricants are suitable for applications that require non flammability, oxidation resistance, material compatibility, high temperature stability, and chemical corrosion resistance. Including the following industries:



Chemical processing

Electronics and semiconductors

Corrugated paper machines, pulp and paper making

Industrial Maintenance, Repair, and Operations (MRO)

Please refer to XXXX ™  Overview of high-performance lubricant products or XXXX ™  Lubricant product selection guide for more information.

XXXX ™  How consistent is the NLGI of each model of lubricating grease?

Lubricating grease is a mixture of base oil and thickener. XXXX ™  The lubricating grease is made of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) with a special extremely small particle size and efficient thickening ability.

Different viscosity base oils can be used in lubricating grease to meet different temperature and load conditions.

Additives are usually added to lubricating grease to enhance rust resistance, improve load-bearing capacity, and reduce wear. Our standard grease model is NLGI (American Lubricating Grease Association) No. 2 grease; However, we can produce NLGI grease models 000 to 6 according to customer requirements. For more information on NLGI model options, please refer to XXXX ™  Overview of high-performance lubricant products.

Using XXXX in bearings ™  What preparations do you need to do before using lubricants?

Adding XXXX ™  Before lubricating grease, the original lubricating grease, oil, or rust preventive oil used during storage should be removed from the bearings. If non perfluoropolyether (PFPE) lubricating oil or grease is left in the bearing, they will form carbon deposits at high temperatures, which may cause accelerated bearing failure.

If XXXX is used ™  Lubricant, does it require continuous lubrication?

For most applications, the relubrication interval can be extended by months or years. For example, in bearing applications, corrugated paper machines typically require grease replenishment every three to twelve months, depending on the operating rate of the equipment. In the sealing system, XXXX ™  Lubricants have excellent durability, so there is no need for re lubrication.

XXXX ™  Can lubricating grease be mixed with other lubricating greases?

Although XXXX ™  Lubricating grease will not react with other lubricating greases or cause decomposition or any dangerous reactions, but it cannot prevent the failure of other lubricants due to high temperature and oxidation. Therefore, we do not recommend using XXXX ™  Lubricants are mixed with any non perfluoropolyether (PFPE) lubricating oil or grease.

XXXX ™  Characteristics of high-performance lubricants

XXXX ™  What certifications have lubricants obtained?

Specific product models have obtained the following certifications:

MIL-Spec PRF-27617 grease is approved for use in aerospace applications.

Lubricants certified by NSF H1 can be used for lubrication of food machinery and equipment that come into accidental contact with food.

After independent testing and confirmation by major oxygen manufacturers and testing institutions (including BAM), it can be used for LOX (liquid oxygen) and GOX (pure oxygen).

DIN 3536: Lubricants can be used for indoor installation, gas distribution, and gas pipeline valves.

DIN EN 377: Lubricants can be used for gas appliances and related accessories.

XXXX ™  What manufacturing certifications have lubricants obtained?

XXXX ™  Lubricants are manufactured based on the following certifications:

ISO 9001 Certified Quality Management System

ISO 14001 certified environmental management system

XXXX ™  Is the lubricant flammable?

no XXXX ™  Lubricating oil (grease) is non flammable and has no flash point.

XXXX ™  How stable is the lubricant when exposed to chemicals?

XXXX ™  Perfluoropolyether (PFPE) lubricating oil and lubricating grease thickened with polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) have excellent chemical stability. XXXX ™  Lubricants and greases do not react with most chemicals (except Lewis acid and alkali metals) or cause their degradation.

XXXX ™  High performance lubricants are not only resistant to oxygen and reactive gases, but also rarely react with all chemicals used in most industries. For detailed information, please refer to XXXX ™  Lubricant: chemical stability or gas compatibility.

XXXX ™  Is the lubricant compatible with non-metallic materials?

Yes. For over 60 years, XXXX ™  Lubricants and greases have been used to lubricate plastic and elastomer components. For more relevant information, please refer to XXXX ™  Lubricant plastic and elastomer compatibility documentation.

Pollution is one of the most serious challenges facing bearings. Debris, rust preventive oil, and other residues can limit lubrication performance, which may lead to failure. Properly handle bearings and use high-quality lubricants such as XXXX ™  High performance lubricants can reduce equipment downtime and maintenance costs.

What is the best practice to ensure proper lubrication of bearings?

Follow the following five steps and watch the video to ensure proper lubrication of the bearings:

Ensure that the work area is clean and appropriate tools are used.

Remove the bearing sealing ring.

Clean the bearings with solvent and dry them.

Apply lubricating grease, check for appropriate amount of grease and ensure uniform distribution.

Replace the sealing ring and cover.

For more information, refer to the cleaning guide.